Sun on your screen is no problem with a Cotinus
While setting up your outdoor office is very easy, there are a few minor challenges to consider. The sunlight on your screen, for example. With a well-positioned plant, such as a Digitalis or a small Japanese Maple, you create just the right amount of shade. Another idea is to hang a nice sunshade above your table. Are you bothered by noisy neighbors or other ambient noises during a video meeting? That's no problem, as plants ensure that ambient noise is muffled!
Effective and stylish
Choose a Diplidenia in combination with the Japanese maple or grasses. The sound of the wind through the grass will bring you joy when you're writing yet another email. Grass may sound simple, but don't underestimate how beautiful beautiful silvergrass or palm grass is. The Mandevilla and Crocosmia are maintenance-friendly options that provide your outdoor office with necessary colour. The Scaevola is not only colourful, but also resistant to lower temperatures. Which is handy, because you can leave it outside well into autumn.
For our outdoor office we used the following plants. On the table: Dahlia and Cosmos. Next to the table from left to right: Diplodenia, Crocosmia, Digitalis, Cotinus and Japanese Maple.

Upwards and outwards
In short, the possibilities are endless and you can completely adapt your outdoor office to your own taste. We especially want to encourage you to go outside, because summer is far too short to sit inside. Why not make that trip to the garden centre and get started?
*Digitalis, as beautiful as it is, contains highly toxic ingredients in all parts of the plant, so be careful when handling it and wash your hands thoroughly after any contact with it.
Share your summer with us on Instagram and Facebook with the hashtag #thejoyofplants. Want more summer inspiration? Discover these 5 wonderfully scented plants, or be inspired by this summer table full of flowers and plants.