The expensive Christmas period has drained your bank account and you not due to get your next salary cheque for a while. The weather is grey, grim and bleak. All your resolutions have already gone by the wayside. It’s ages till spring arrives. You’re confronted with another year in which all sorts of things will be thrown at you. And January is also the month that contains Blue Monday, which is said to be the most depressing day of the year. Any sensible person would dive under the duvet and stay there for the whole of January.

Ficus can be decorated!
But there’s an argument for getting out of bed and making your home a bit more cheerful. Just try maintaining a sombre face when you have a lovely green or variegated Ficus. A brilliant acquisition, bursting with lust for life, that will give your interior an instant green boost and will help brighten your mood. They’re also real personalities that are pretty tough, so feel free to hang some artificial flowers, lanterns or fairylights in them. it looks cheery, and makes things feel a bit spring-like already.

Seeing double green
Nowadays you can have photos printed on posters very cheaply. Photograph your Ficus from its best angle, give it a radiant background and hang it at exactly the same height as the pot to create a great visual joke. The blues don’t stand a chance!