Incredibly popular fragrance ingredient
Jasmine is an incredibly popular ingredient for perfumes - you can find it in more than 150 well-known fragrances, of which the best-known are Alien by Thierry Mugler, J'Adore by Dior, and Le Jasmin by Annick Goutal. They’re all mixed with other fragrances, most often with the related Gardenia. Anyone looking for pure Jasmine should turn to essential oils, such as Jasmine sambac oil or the Arabian Oud pure perfumes. However, they’re quite heavy, so it’s a matter of careful dosing.
Also suitable for home cultivation
The reason that the fragrance is so strong is because 8000 hand-picked flowers go into 1ml of pure Jasmine oil. That’s quite an effort, so you could just place the houseplant in your home. It adds a lovely fragrance to your home and is also a little less overwhelming, and lovely to look at thanks to those lovely flowers and pretty green leaves. It can also climb and hang beautifully, and if you pick off a Jasmine flower which has almost finished flowering and rub it on your skin, you too will smell gorgeous.