Exposé #20: Marcin Rusak

We’re proud to present Exposé, a series of portraits in which we introduce you to remarkable trend-setters who are involved with flowers and/or plants. Edition #20 shines the spotlight on London-based Marcin Rusak, an all-round creative who captures the transience of flowers in contemporary sculptures and everyday household items.

Marcin Rusak's creations challenge the consumer society. What value does an object have if you can’t pass it on to the next generation? If it has a maximum lifespan of the year? As you think about this interesting question, you’ll be enchanted by his romantic creations.


City hopping, smart collaboration and success

Our in-depth interview with the Polish designer gives us an inspiring insight into the world of floral art. Where the availability of materials helps shape the artwork alongside the external elements. We also take a close look at the Flora collection. Step into the ephemeral world of Marcin Rusak, that we have managed to capture for all time in the latest Exposé video.