Your mother brings the starter, your BFF provides an amuse bouche, a rich uncle supplies the pudding, a friendly neighbour offers a cocktail and you do the main course. That’s eased the burden a bit! The fact that a dinner like that might feature both classic French and spicy Thai food is no problem. Just as long as it’s been made with love. And with plants!
A variation on BYO
It also fun to ask your guests to just bring their favourite ingredients and edible plants. Start the day early and spend the day together in and around the kitchen. It's bound to result in some new (and possibly crazy) dishes that you will talk about for a long time.
Delicious company
Not everyone is a domestic god(dess), so it’s fine to share some tips. How about the ultimate Christmas cake? We’re thinking of a delicious red velvet cake with red fruit and red roses. Finished with your favourite herbs. Find the recipe here. When you’re presented with a slice, remember to remove the beautiful greenery from your plate. You can display all this loveliness, but sadly not eat it.

Get conversation flowing
Does the talk grind to a halt because your friends and family (in law) don’t have very much in common? A festive drink may help loosen them up. This delicious cocktail with gin, cranberry, lavender and rose petals is a real Christmas cracker. The anecdotes and tall tales will soon be pouring out. Discover the recipe here.
*One more thing: never tuck in to just any old (cut) flower or plant; only use edible flowers from specialist suppliers that have been grown for human consumption.

Looking for more inspiration about celebrating Christmas with plants? Our Christmas dossier has all the inspiring ideas you could ever need. Bring on that warm festive feeling by decorating your dining table for the season, or get started with this DIY candle holder with plant cuttings. For a daily dose of inspiration, follow us on Pinterest, Instagram and Facebook.