You will need:
Cyclamens in various cheerful colours
Assorted PVC waste pipes and connectors
1 plank of fairly thick wood
Base panel
Primer/paint in candy colours
Roll of thin foam rubber
Sturdy plastic bags
Extra potting soil

How to make it:
Step 1:
Cut the waste pipes into various pieces. Don’t make them too tall, so that the structure remains stable. Saw cylinders out of the wood that fit precisely into the water pipes: you will slide the pipes over these later to keep them firmly upright. Cut the rest of the plank straight to form your base.

Step 2:
Assemble the connectors (screw, click or glue, depending on the type) and paint them in various candy colours. Depending on the material, the paint may adhere better if you prime the pipes first.

Step 3:
Cover the piece of wood that’s going to form your base with thin foam rubber and screw the wooden cylinders on the spots where you want to have the pipes. Place the cyclamens in the plastic bags with some extra potting soil, and lower them into the pipes from the top. Slide the pipes over the wooden cylinders.