Emily Blincoe: Leaves through a lens

Botanical art with a geometric twist

Emily Blincoe is most at home when surrounded by nature: “Most days you can find me wandering in the tall grass somewhere between Austin and Nashville with my dog,” says the Texan-born-and-bred artist on her website. So it’s not surprising that elements from nature crop up in so many of her works.

Inspired by shapes colours and light, Blincoe is perhaps best known for her ‘arrangements’, where she takes objects – both natural and man-made – and arranges them in geometric patterns against plain backdrops. 

From iced donuts and kitchen utensils to Christmas decorations and dog biscuits – Blincoe has a knack of transforming the banal into the beautiful.

Foliage is a recurring theme and makes the perfect subject for her whimsical explorations of shape and colour.

For more inspiration visit Emily's website