4 vintage plants for your Grandparents

Perfect retro plant picks for Grandparents Day

Sunday, October 1, is Grandparents Day! A perfect opportunity to find a retro plant for your Grandparents. Here's four favourites to suit everyone's taste. 

Snake plant

The snake plant (Sansevieria), also known as Mother-in-law's-tongue, is a hard worker. She's converting toxic substances into oxygen, always strong and easy - like your grandparents themselves! 

French Geranium 

She has another chic name: Pelargonium grandiflorum. A grand lady, when you look at the magnificence of her flowers and vibrant colors. 


Turn your house into a rainforest with the Monstera or the street plant. He is very flexible because the plant likes to be in a dark as well as a light place, inside or outside (May to September) but does not like extreme, bright sun. Water regularly and he turns out to be a loyal friend.


The cactus stems from prehistory, the plant is old, tough and surprising, thanks to striking shapes and flowers. The ideal gift for a tough grandfather or grandmother.