Transform a house into a home (regardless of size)

No floor space? Get creative and make the most of the height of your room

Houseplants are a quick win when it comes to injecting life and colour into your living space – not to mention the bonus perks of cleaning the air and lifting your spirits. But when you’re living in a small city apartment or cosy country cottage where floor space is at a premium, finding the space for foliage can be tricky.

The key is to choose plants that won’t crowd you out, and make use of the unused and overlooked areas of the home – like tucked away corners and up on high.

No floor space plants

Hanging planters

Suspending plants from the ceiling makes maximum use of your space and draws the eye upwards, which creates the illusion of a bigger room. Invest in some single hanging planters, make your own with this simple DIY project, or use an off-cut of wood to create your own hanging shelf to display a whole cluster of plants (see pic).

Choose: Trailing plants with cascading foliage, such as philodendron, ivy or baby’s tears.

Occasional tables

Small tables and free-standing plant stands are great for making the most of those little nooks and crannies and bringing otherwise ‘dead’ spaces to life – whether it’s down the side of the sofa or nestled in a small entrance hall alcove.

Choose: Statement plants that won’t crowd you out, such as yucca or ponytail palms.

Windowsill herb garden

Make the most of a kitchen windowsill by transforming it into a herb garden with an attractive row of fresh and fragrant herbs in small galvanized-steel planters or a long indoor window-box style planter.

Choose: Fragrant easy-to-grow herbs, such as mint, rosemary, lemon thyme, basil, sage and tarragon.

Wall-mounted plants

Create your own living art and make the most of blank wall space by wall-mounting your greenery using specially designed planters. Thanks to their ability to survive without soil, air plants can even be mounted on a wooden board. We love this stylish take on the look from Etsy. Or why not try your own DIY version?

Choose: Air plants (Tillandsia) in contrasting forms

Cupboard love

Breathe life into the underutilized empty space on top of your kitchen cupboards or Welsh-dresser – or even your bedroom wardrobe. Just make sure you have stepping stool available to keep them watered.

Choose: Trailing plants, such as ivy – or spider plants with their cascading plantlets.


If wall space is at a premium, such as in a one-bedroom flat, a simple, tall narrow trellis is an elegant way to incorporate climbing plants into a tiny space. This minimalist white trellis looks beautiful entwined with jasmine.

Choose: Climbing plants, such as jasmine with its pretty white heady-scented flowers.

Choose your plants wisely

In smaller homes, large plants with explosive foliage will only constrict your space so opt for compact plants or elegant varieties that grow upwards, rather than outwards.

Choose: Snake plants, cacti, succulents – or even climbing plants, which can be trained to climb up a post. 

What are some other ways in which you get creative with your living space. Share a picture of your room with us on Instagram