Time to water your plants: handy tips

This is your wake-up call

To be honest, we all forget to water our plants occasionally.  Not because you don’t want to, but simply because it’s not incorporated into your routine. In the summer it’s particularly important to look after your green friends. We’ve got a number of tips to ensure that you don’t forget them any more.

Handy tips to stop you forgetting your plants!

  • There are innumerable smartphone apps which help remind you to water your garden and houseplants. Enter the plant name in the app and it will tell you how often the plant needs to be watered on average. 
  • Put the watering can by the front door. Before you go out the door in the morning you will then be reminded that your plants need some attention. 
  • It’s also a good idea to link watering to another activity that you do every week, like putting the rubbish out or buying fresh flowers on Saturday morning. 
  • There are all sorts of handy tools to help you keep your plants hydrated, such as fertiliser tablets or the Pikaplant tableaus

​You can find out fairly easily whether your plant needs water. Poke the tip of your little finger into the soil. If it feels dry, your plant could do with a drink. 

When is the best time to water, and how often? Read our expert watering tips