Master Florist Menno Kroon on inspiration and style

We are proud to present Exposé, the video series in which we introduce you to extraordinary trendsetting people in the flower and plant sphere. This is Exposé #1: Master Florist Menno Kroon.

If you walk down Cornelis Schuytstraat in Amsterdam you can’t miss it: Master Florist Menno Kroon’s Concept Store. This wonderful shop attracts people from all over the country and from far beyond  its borders. Menno himself is still amazed by that: “People consider me a trendsetter, but I don’t see it that way. I do the things that are in my heart. I get my inspiration from all sorts of places: from my immediate surroundings, from conversations with my customers and from my trips to major cities. Often a seed has already been planted in my mind; that idea grows and grows, until finally a complete concept emerges. I seem to develop that concept - together with my team - in such a distinctive way that people call us trendsetters.”

Unique Christmas atmosphere

There is a clear thought process behind the current Christmas window and store design in Menno’s Concept Store. Every year the unveiling of that window is the talk of the town. Menno spends months on the Christmas window and the further store design:

“We started buying for Christmas in January of this year. I purely go on my instinct, on the needs that I notice my customers have. This year that included the desire not to have a single Christmas tree in the living room but several Christmas pieces scattered throughout the house. Our customers can therefore now find unusual branches and ornaments in-store in order to do that. With the window, we want to make the people who are standing outside looking in to feel that they’re entering a different world.”

Curious about Menno’s Christmas offering and the unusual window? The film can tell you more ... And of course you can always go and take a look for yourself in Amsterdam!

Need inspiration?

Menno has clear advice for anyone seeking inspiration for using flowers and plants:

“Look and observe. And when you’re looking, really take it all in! If you see something that moves you, follow your own story. Be inspired by others, but don’t copy. Choose distinctiveness!”


We would love to find out what you think of this Exposé #1, and whether Menno Kroon has inspired you. Let us know in the comment section below or through our Facebookpage.